
Handknit Yarn Studio

Freelance Project

Handknit Yarn Studio needed an identity to launch their company that carries artisanal, hand-crafted yarns here in Hamilton. With a focus on "hand-crafted", I created a custom typeface for their wordmark, window graphics and a monogram brand icon that was unique and reflected the high quality of their products.

 Handknit engaged  Brush Boys , a local sign-painting shop, to work on the signage for the interior and beautiful exterior, lovingly constructed by  Lower City Joinery  a few years back when it was a gallery and furniture store.  I also ext

Handknit engaged Brush Boys, a local sign-painting shop, to work on the signage for the interior and beautiful exterior, lovingly constructed by Lower City Joinery a few years back when it was a gallery and furniture store.  I also extended the custom type face from the logo design that is now displayed on the windows, advertising their products and services.  The address graphic was a left-over from the previous store owners.

 The monogram is used throughout as a custom hang sign, behind the cash register, social media accounts and even makes an appearance on their small branded stitch markers.  I designed the brand with these smaller applications in mind so that it

The monogram is used throughout as a custom hang sign, behind the cash register, social media accounts and even makes an appearance on their small branded stitch markers.  I designed the brand with these smaller applications in mind so that it could gracefully scale down.
